- Läublin II., Hans Jacob [Jakob]
- Murer, Josias
- Ammann, Johann Conrad
- Ammann, Hans Heinrich
- Ammann, Christoph
- Amsler, Richard
- Asper, Hans
- Beham, Bartel
- Bluntschli, Niklaus
- Bosshard und Sohn, -
- Brun, Lienhard
- Cranach der Ältere, Lucas
- Erhart, Gregor
- Eriskirch, Meister von
- Erlinger, Georg
- Fischart, Johann
- Frischlin, Nicodemus
- Hans Conrad, Flach
- Holbein, Ambrosius
- Holtzwart, Matthäus
- Howes, John
- Hurter, Johann Heinrich
- Häfelin, Emil
- Hünerwadel, Jérôme
- Kübler, Werner der Jüngere
- Lang, Hieronymus der Ältere
- Lang, Hans Caspar der Ältere
- Lang, Daniel
- Lindtmayer, Felix der Jüngere
- Lindtmayer, Daniel der Jüngere
- Meyer, Conrad
- Moser, Andreas
- Müller, Theobald
- Oschwald, Hans Georg
- Ott, Hans Georg I.
- Panvinio, Onofrio
- Peyer, Hans
- Peyer, Johann Ludwig
- Peyer, Johann Jakob
- Peyer, Johann Friedrich
- Pfau, Hans Heinrich III.
- Pröll, Thomas
- Reusner, Nikolaus
- Schnetzler, Johann Ulrich
- Schärer, Johann Jacob
- Seiler, Dietegen
- Speissegger, Hans Heinrich
- Spleiss, Hans Martin
- Stalder, Ulrich
- Stimmer, Tobias
- Stimmer, Gideon
- Stimmer, Abel
- Strigel, Bernhard
- Stüdlin, Hans Caspar
- Ulmer, Johann Conrad
- Ulmer, Hans Ulrich
- Umkreis von Stimmer, Tobias
- Unbekannt
- Veith, Johann Martin
- Wüscher, Hans Adam I.
- de Savoye, Daniel
The PTSS collection
This website lists the works of art and objects of the Peyersche Tobias Stimmer-Stiftung (PTSS) of Schaffhausen. Most of the objects listed are on permanent loan to the Museum zu Allerheiligen or the Schaffhausen City Library.
Devotional picture of the Funk Family
Bernhard Strigel (about 1460–1528), um 1513 Oil and tempera on Oak panel,Bernhard Strigel, son of the sculptor Ivo Strigel, was first mentioned in the Memmingen tax book in 1505. He was the principal painter for Emperor Maximilian I, of whom he painted several portraits, including the only one in his coronation regalia. In 1518 Strigel was elected master of the Mercer's' guild and the Memmingen council, where he also served as envoy for legal affairs. One of his main works is the family altar of St. Stephen in Mindelheim, donated in 1505 by the mercenary leader Ulrich Frundsberg and his wife Barbara Rechberg.
Judgement of Paris
Lucas Cranach the elder (about 1553), workshop about 1525, um 1525 Oil and tempera on woodPortrait of a bearded man
Lucas Cranach the elder (about 1472–1553), 1527 Oil and tempera on Beech panelWorks by Lucas Cranach the Elder are among the important acquisitions made by the Stimmer Foundation. The Wittenberg painter ran a successful workshop that produced numerous altar paintings, religious and mythological motifs in addition to portraits. The intimate portrait of the unknown bearded man was probably intended for private use.
Portrait of Bürgermeister Alexander Peyer
Hans Asper, 1554 Oil and tempera on Limewood panelThe Stimmer Stiftung acquired the representative portrait of its well known ancestor back in 1950. The Burgermeister had himself portrayed by the Zurich painter in 1554. On the sheet of paper in Peyer's hand, Asper left a unique personal dedication to his "dear and good friend".
Portrait of a young man
Ambrosius Holbein (about 1494–about 1519), um 1519 Oil on woodAmbrosius Holbein, brother of Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98–1543), worked with the Schaffhausen painter Thomas Schmid (around 1490–1550/60) on the decoration of the main Hall of the St George monastery in Stein am Rhein during his journeymanship. The small circular picture is one of the very few paintings attributed to the Basel book illustrator, who died young.
Virgin and Child with grapes
Lucas Cranach the elder (about 1472–1553), um 1535-40 Oil on European Beech panelCranach's Madonna of the Grapes shows Mary with her son Jesus eating from a bunch of grapes. The motif anticipates Christ's passion. By dying on the cross, he forgave everyone their sins. The memory of the blood that was shed lives on in the celebration of the Eucharist or 'Lord's Supper' during which the faithful take a sip of wine.
Lucas Cranach repeated such motifs again and again in his successful artist workshop. This enabled him to serve a wide variety of customers. The Schaffhausen version was probably intended as a devotional picture for a private setting. The winged snake, the certificate of authenticity from the Cranach workshop, proves its originality.
The Madonna of the Grapes by Lucas Cranach the elder has been in the Museum zu Allerheiligen since 1953 on permanent loan from the Peyer'sche Tobias Stimmer Foundation.
Portrait of Duke Wilhelm IV. of Bavaria
Barthel Beham (um 1502–1540), um 1533 Tempera on wood panelPortrait of Maria Jacobaea, wife of Duke Wilhelm IV. of Bavaria
Barthel Beham (about 1502–1540), 1534 Tempera on wood panelPortrait of a boy from the Peyer family
Johann Ulrich Schnetzler (1704–1763), 1746 Oil on canvasPortrait of David Peyer
Daniel Lindtmayer the younger (1552–1603/1607), attributed 1588, 1588 Tempera and oil on wood panelThe portrait of the merchant and judge David Peyer is the only one of five permanent loans from the Peyer Legate that survived the bombing of Schaffhausen on April 1, 1944, badly damaged. It was extensively restored in 1948 and 1978 and in some cases heavily retouched, which is particularly evident in the different appearance of the paint on the face.
Portrait of Hans Ludwig Peyer-Seiler (1645 – 1741)
Dietegen Seiler (1693 – 1774), 1727 Oil on canvasThe painting was restored in 1981 by Hans Harder, Schaffhausen.
Portrait of Judith Peyer (1593-1659)
Unbekannt, 1648 Oil on canvasNativity
Unknown, 2. Hälfte 15. Jahrhundert Oil on woodThe painting was restored 1987-1988
Aeneas and Anchises fleeing from Troy (copy after Federico Barocci)
Johann Martin Veith (1650–1717), Anfang 18. Jh. Oil on canvasPortrait of Dr. med. Hermann Peyer
Richard Emil Amsler (1859–1934), 1915 Oil on canvasPortrait of Johann Jakob Maurer
Unknown/ Jacob Maurer (1737–1780), earlier attribution, um 1770 Oil on woodPortrait of Hans Kaspar Peyer
Unknown, um 1640 Oil on canvasPortrait of Johann Bernhard Peyer at age 6 (1847-1933)
Jérôme Hünerwadel (1829–1859), 1853/54 Oil on canvasHans Friedrich Peyer-Im Thurn, Obherr zur mittleren Fels, with his family
Conrad Meyer (1618–1689), 1653 Oil on canvasPortrait of Heinrich Peyer-von Schmid (1529 – 1574)
Unknown, nach 1574 Oil on canvasPainting restored by Barbara Bührer, Neuhausen in 2009
Portrait of Johann Jakob Stokar (1615 – 1681) at the age of 65
Unknown, nach 1681 Oil on canvasPainting restored by Barbara Bührer, Neuhausen in 2009
Portrait of David Peyer-Ziegler (1622 – 1691) at the age of 65
Daniel de Savoye (1654 – 1716) ascribed to, 1686 Oil on canvasThis painting is the pendant to the portrait of Anna Katharina Peyer-Ziegler (1628-1690)
Portrait of Anna Katharina Peyer-Ziegler (1628 – 1690)
Daniel de Savoye (1654 – 1716), ascribed to, 1686 Oil on canvasThis portarit is a pendant to the painting of David Peyer-Ziegler (1622-91) at the age of 65
Portrait of Dr. of law Hans Conrad Peyer (1569 – 1623)
Unknown, um 1620 Oil on canvasThis painting was restored in 1955 by Hans Harder, Schaffhausen