- Läublin II., Hans Jacob [Jakob]
- Murer, Josias
- Ammann, Johann Conrad
- Ammann, Hans Heinrich
- Ammann, Christoph
- Amsler, Richard
- Asper, Hans
- Beham, Bartel
- Bluntschli, Niklaus
- Bosshard und Sohn, -
- Brun, Lienhard
- Cranach der Ältere, Lucas
- Erhart, Gregor
- Eriskirch, Meister von
- Erlinger, Georg
- Fischart, Johann
- Frischlin, Nicodemus
- Hans Conrad, Flach
- Holbein, Ambrosius
- Holtzwart, Matthäus
- Howes, John
- Hurter, Johann Heinrich
- Häfelin, Emil
- Hünerwadel, Jérôme
- Kübler, Werner der Jüngere
- Lang, Hieronymus der Ältere
- Lang, Hans Caspar der Ältere
- Lang, Daniel
- Lindtmayer, Felix der Jüngere
- Lindtmayer, Daniel der Jüngere
- Meyer, Conrad
- Moser, Andreas
- Müller, Theobald
- Oschwald, Hans Georg
- Ott, Hans Georg I.
- Panvinio, Onofrio
- Peyer, Hans
- Peyer, Johann Ludwig
- Peyer, Johann Jakob
- Peyer, Johann Friedrich
- Pfau, Hans Heinrich III.
- Pröll, Thomas
- Reusner, Nikolaus
- Schnetzler, Johann Ulrich
- Schärer, Johann Jacob
- Seiler, Dietegen
- Speissegger, Hans Heinrich
- Spleiss, Hans Martin
- Stalder, Ulrich
- Stimmer, Tobias
- Stimmer, Gideon
- Stimmer, Abel
- Strigel, Bernhard
- Stüdlin, Hans Caspar
- Ulmer, Johann Conrad
- Ulmer, Hans Ulrich
- Umkreis von Stimmer, Tobias
- Unbekannt
- Veith, Johann Martin
- Wüscher, Hans Adam I.
- de Savoye, Daniel
The PTSS collection
This website lists the works of art and objects of the Peyersche Tobias Stimmer-Stiftung (PTSS) of Schaffhausen. Most of the objects listed are on permanent loan to the Museum zu Allerheiligen or the Schaffhausen City Library.
Emil Häfelin (1921–2001), 1988 - 1989 PencilAtavus
Emil Häfelin (1921–2001), 1986 - 1990 WatercolourSuvata
Emil Häfelin (1921–2001), 1985 - 1992 WatercolourBulgarian ('dry')
Design for the centre field of a design with Mucius Scaevola
Werner Kübler the younger (1582–1621), 1606 Ink and grey brown wash, washedDesign sketch with unknown coat of arms and the beheading of John the Baptist
Werner Kübler the younger (1582–1621), 1609 Pen and ink, grey and brown washedBattle scene
Werner Kübler the younger, 1607 Black wash, brown washedDesign sketch with the farewell of the Prodigal Son
Werner Kübler the younger (1582–1621), 1604 Pen and ink, grey washedSketch for the coat of arms of Eitelfriedrich, Graf zu Lupfen und Landgraf zu Stühlingen
Daniel Lang (1543–after 1602) (?), 1567 Black ink washDesign sketch with the coats of arms for Heinrich Peyer and Marina Schmidin
Daniel Lang (1543–after1602), 1571 Pencil, Pen and inkDesign sketch with coats of arms of Heinrich Peyer mit den Wecken (1529-1574) und Marina Schmid
Daniel Lang (1543–after 1602) (?), 1568 Pencil, Pen and inkSaturn between two horses and riders
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1609 Ink and red brushDesign sketch for Hans Peyer mit den Wecken (1450-1532/33), Bürgermeister der Stadt Schaffhausen
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), attributed to, 1606 Pen and ink, Red ochre highlightsDesign sketch for coats of arms (Samuel?) Peyer mit den Wecken and (Barbara?) Ziegler
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), attributed to, um 1600 – 1610 Pen and ink, Red ochre highlightsSketch for coats of arms of Michel Bäldi (Beldi) and Anna Peyer mit den Wecken (born 1565), with personifications of Peace and Victory
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1600 Ink wash and red ochre on paperDesign sketch for coats of arms of Peyer mit den Wecken with personifications of the four seasons
Hans Caspar Lang d.Ä. (1571–1645), attributed to, um 1600 – 1610 Pen and inkDesign sketch for a roundel containing coats of arms for Peyer mit den Wecken and Peyer im Hof
Hans Caspar Lang the elder. (1571–1645), attributed to, um 1610 – 1620 Pencil, Ink wash on paperSketch for a roundel with the arms of Tobias Peyer (1560 - 1620) and Ursula Zollikofer (d. 1637) with the personifications of Glory and Justice
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1595 Ink wash and red ochre on paperDesign sketch for coats of arms of Peyer mit den Wecken and Peyer im Hof with personifications of Charity and Patience
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1602 Black ink washDesign sketch framing an empty coat of arms
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1597 Black ink wash, washedDesign sketch with coats of arms of Jörg Peyer and Ursula Peyer Im Hof
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), ascribed to, 1613 Pencil, Black and red penWork in the vineyard
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1595 Pen and inkDrapers shop
Hans Caspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), 1595 Pen and inkDesign sketch to surround the coats of arms of Matthäus Zollikofer and Judith Peyer, St. Gallen
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), ascribed, 1570 Black ink wash, Ink wash on paperDesign sketch of Joseph and Potiphar's wife
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), ascribed, um 1560 – 1570 Black ink wash, PaperDesign sketch for coat of arms of Simon von Breitenlandenburg / provost of Clingnoun (Klingnau)
Hieronymus Lang the elder (um 1520–1582), circle of, 1575 Ink wash on paperSketch for coat of arms of Hieronymus Pappus the elder of Lindau
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), workshop, 1554 Ink wash on paperSketch for coats of arms of Hans Wildeisen and Heinrich Öchsli von Schaffhausen
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), workshop, 1550 – 1560 Black ink washSketch for coats of arms of Jakob Gries and Martin Schnider (Schneider)
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), workshop, 1560 – 1575 Pencil, Black and brown washesSketch for coat of arms of Georg Ehinger von Ulm
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), workshop, 1554 Black ink washDesign sketch for commemorative glass to an unknown pair of donors
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), workshop about 1564, um 1564 Black ink washSketch for coats of arms of Johann Frank von Breisach and Benedikta Botzhenn
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), about 1550-60, ascribed to, um 1550 – 1560 Black ink washDesign sketch for coats of arms of Heinrich Peyer mit den Wecken (1529 – 1574) and Marina Schmid
Hieronymus Lang the elder (about 1520–1582), ascribed to, um 1568 Pen and inkDesign sketch for a figure of Charity
Daniel Lindtmayer the younger (1552–1603/1607) about 1583, um 1583 Pen drawingDesign for a roundel of the Judgement of Solomon with the coats of arms of Zacharias Schmid and Ursula Stierlin
Daniel Lindtmayer the younger (1552–1603/1607), 1582 Black ink and grey wash, washedDesign sketch depicting the banquet of Queen Esther
Daniel Lindtmayer the younger (1552–1603/1607), 1588 Pen and ink, PaperDesign for wall frescoes at the house „Zun drei Ständen“ (Herrenacker 10, "Peyerburg")
Daniel Lindtmayer the younger (1552–1603/1607) 1587, 1587 Pen and ink, PaperDesign sketch for Johann Theobald Wehrli (1558-1598) Abt von Kloster Rheinau, with SS. Fintan (Findanus) and Benedikt
Daniel Lindtmayer the younger (1552–1603/1607), 1580er Jahre Pen drawing, Paper, washedSketch for coats of arms of von Waldkirch and von Roggwil
Gideon Stimmer (1545–1581/1582), attributed to/ Hans Kaspar Lang the elder (1571–1645), earlier attribution, um 1570 Black ink and brown wash, washedNativity
Tobias Stimmer (1539–1584) 1565, 1565 Ink wash on paperThis sheet is one of around a hundred surviving drawings by Stimmer. It testifies to his artistic mastery in dealing freely with a traditional subject. The rather perky depiction of the naked baby Jesus is original. This is touchingly human and biblical at the same time: The Son of God who became man is made real.
Circular design sketch depicting the Nativity and four coats of arms (Buggin[?], Irmensee, Mörikofer and unidentified)
Tobias Stimmer (1539–1584), um 1570 Ink wash on paperSelf-portrait
Tobias Stimmer (1539–1584), um 1563 Chalk, Ink and watercolour on paperIn 1991, after years of negotiation, the Stimmer Stiftung managed a coup with the purchase of this small watercolour drawing. Thus, was the Stiftung able to acquire one of the rare autograph works by Tobias Stimmer (which was also a self portrait). The self-confident expression of the young artist is unparalleled at a time when the individual and self-portraiture were becoming increasingly important.